
Information Systems Division

The Information Systems Division’s primary function is to provide IT support throughout RIKEN. An Information and Technology Integrated Strategy Council and its various committees deliberate, draft, and implement information systems strategies, and plan, construct, manage, and provide user support for RIKEN’s information systems infrastructure (including the IT systems for administrative staff). This division is also responsible for implementing cybersecurity measures, setting policies and drafting guidelines for information ethics, as well as acting promptly when incidents do occur.

Infrastructure Research and Development Division

Aiming at the realization of RIKEN’s ICT Strategy, the Infrastructure Research and Development Division is designed to develop information technology for construction and operation of information infrastructure for researchers and provide supports required for digital innovation in research methods and data-driven science. It also contributes to the promotion of Open Science throughout RIKEN.

Advanced Data Science Project

The Advanced Data Science Project (ADSP) conducts developmental research on data science in the health and medical fields and on designing methodologies to solve social issues via data science.Data-driven medical science has been advanced as supervised learning to combine prior knowledge into learning algorithms, divided into two major paradigms of AI, "symbolic processing and pattern recognition". This project will develop the Platform (PF) in Phase I, by collaborating with Data Folders (DHs) of university hospitals and other institutions. The next trend of data-driven medical science will be the integration of the two paradigms (horizontal integration Phase II) and the integration of cyber (symbolic processing and pattern recognition) and physical (real-world problems) (vertical integration Phase III). Toward of the realization of Phase II and Phase III, we will develop a highly versatile and original middleware-based PF with built-in reliability guarantees for inference.

Guardian Robot Project

In April 2019, we launched a new project to promote R&D for the social implementation of next-generation robots ("brain x AI") that synergistically incorporate the strengths of psychology, brain science, cognitive science and AI research toward a future society where humans, AI and robots can flexibly coexist. Conventional robots have mostly performed only limited tasks based on detailed instructions from humans. However, this project aims to develop a robot that can autonomously recognize its environment and the state of the person it is supposed to support and provide assistance unobtrusively without compromising the autonomy of the person, with appropriate interaction.